Urban Morphogenesis Lab
The lab focuses on the application of recent scientific finding in Unconventional Computing to the Architectural realm. The work developed by the students mobilizes artificial intelligence as well as biological intelligence in search of a new mode of reasoning and therefore designing within a complex milieu where multiple degrees of stability, instability as well as diversity coexist. If the use of big data and AI in architecture and urban design is allowing to overcome the descriptive compression of information typical of mathematical models and therefore work with multiplicity, diversity and high resolution in real time, then the shift to biological intelligence (intended as computation) would enable an overcoming of the current disconnection (alienation) between matter, information (big data) and energy, transforming the act of designing into the possibility to hack into natural as well as artificial morphogenetic processes, in real time. In term of scale of intervention, the studio engages with the notion of territory and substratum at different levels and scales, aiming at developing design models beyond standard conventions of size and function. From body-scape to land-scape, material systems are explored to build potential as both analogue model and actual building material. Methodologically the studio will work with what we call 'Objects with Universal Relevance' Each O.U.R. (Object with Universal Relevance) will aim at augmenting individual personal space so to enable novel type of interaction to emerge between 'single social cells' and the potential to trigger a re-framing of the current top down decision-making mechanism, towards a more diffuse model supported by collective intelligence and distributed spatial memory.'